The material

Silica, chalice, blow molding, all have the glass as a common point. The ancestral know-how is vast and contains several specialities of glassmakers. According to INMA, there is the one who works with hands, the one who works with a blowtorch and the one who works as a decorator.

The glass is a mix of several components such as silica. It is baked at high temperature even until a thousand degrees Celsius. A viscous material is obtained. This is the moment for the glassblower to intervene and to realise his utilitarian or decorative creations. Eve George is a glassblower. She creates collections of interior objects with her cane.

The glass blower

This craftsman creates objects with a cane. He puts the viscous material at the end of the cane and blows into it in order to make grow a shape of glass. The material never forgets: one impact and it will keep it in memory. The craftsman has to be delicate if he does not want any surprises. In spite of that, he can add colours, patterns and texture. It is also possible to decorate the material with finishing touches: cut, engraving, or enamelling.


The glass also can be manipulated differently. In spite of being blowed, It can be worked horizontally to create stained-glass. As Jacques Loire would say, this speciality is the one of “the creator of coloured lights for interior spaces”. The craftsman can realise stained-glass and can also paint on his material.

The stained-glass technique consists in the realisation of a miniature drawing. Then, this one is realised in a bigger scale. Each piece of the puzzle is cut with a glasscutter. Afterwards, the pieces are assembled with lead. This part is also called setting. Finally, the difficulty is about hanging the creation. This step of work is really specific as it acquires skills that can be different according to the types of support: stones, wood or concrete.

The glass painting is also an important step of the stained-glass creation. This one is subtle and asks a great master of the hand movement but also a large knowledge of the pigments and the heat techniques.

The stained glass is a popular technique of young craftsmen. In fact, this technique has an infinite liberty of creation: shades, lights, colours, patterns, etc. And conserves an affection for the heritage with the conservation and restoration of stained-glasses. Marie Grillo is working this way. With her new device, her stencils will reach a great precision and her creations a delicate patterns.

The research

The specialists of this material can also be researchers and Lucile Viaud is working as a real one. She practices her know-how by making the glass with natural resources. Besides, her new project supported by Fondation Rémy Cointreau is about designing an eco-friendly oven.